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Eastern Academy of Management 2018 Annual Meeting

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A Hog Farm for S-Burg? An Interactive Town hall Negotiation Simulation and Teaching Plan

This negotiating exercise simulates a municipal governance meeting where the sole item on the agenda is the question of the construction of two large “hog barns” on a piece of farm property not far from the municipal center. Negotiation roles include three township supervisors (think city councilmen), the property owner (the lessor), the hog-farming businessman (the lessee), and more than a dozen other roles ranging from concerned citizen to environmental activist to rival developer. The exercise is designed as an end-of-course activity in a negotiation course--an opportunity to see and practice the portfolio of skills developed throughout the semester. This document includes a teaching plan, 15 unique roles, and two additional generic roles for additional students.

Jason Laubach
Shippensburg University
United States

Cody Olson
Shippensburg University
United States

Nathan Goates
Shippensburg University
United States


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