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Exploring the relationship between job satisfaction, employee engagement, OCB and intention to quit
Job satisfaction has been found to be positively related to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and negatively to intention to quit (ITQ). Evidences also suggest that job satisfaction enhances feelings of obligations, to which employees reciprocate through positive behaviors and intentions. The paper therefore, attempts to examine the mediating effect of employee engagement on relationship of job satisfaction with OCB and ITQ. Junior and middle level executives (N= 80) working in different private and public sector organizations and prospective managers (Master of Business Administration students) (N= 129) participated in the study. Analyses of data showed full mediating effect of engagement on relationship between job satisfaction and OCB, and no mediation effect on relationship between job satisfaction and ITQ. Findings made significant contribution to the literature and have been discussed with implications. Practitioners can increase OCB of satisfied employees by providing job and environment factors that have potential to increase employee engagement.