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Eastern Academy of Management 2018 Annual Meeting

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Meaningfulness of Work and Family in Working Parents as a Predictor of Work Family Balance, Enrichment, and Conflict

There are arguably great benefits when employees experience a sense of purpose or meaningfulness in their work. The current study examined whether felt meaningfulness of work predicts one’s tendency to manage work/life outcomes. Via survey methodology, 386 participants reported the sense of meaningfulness they derived from their work and from their family responsibilities. Analyses explored how individuals’ ratings of work and family meaningfulness, as well as the similarity of these perceptions with those of their spouses/partners, affect Work Family Conflict, Balance, and Enrichment. Results showed that meaningfulness of work and family significantly affected work family outcomes. Furthermore, bigger differences within the individual’s areas of meaningfulness predicted less balance and enrichment. Bigger differences between spouses with respect to perceptions of work meaningfulness predicted less enrichment while perceptions of family meaningfulness predicted more enrichment and less conflict. Additional detail about sub-factor dimension effects, as well as practical and theoretical implications, are provided.

Sydney Reeves
Montclair State University
United States

Margaret Toich
Montclair State University
United States

Quinn Knudsen
Montclair State University
United States

Azucena Perez
Montclair State University
United States

Alexandra Lawlor
Montclair State University
United States

Jennifer Bragger
Montclair State University
United States

Eugene Kutcher
Rider University
United States


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