Papers Proceedings »
New Wine in New Bottles: Why Should Behavioral Economists Have All the Fun?
Economic, social, and technological disruptions and discontinuities continue to unfold at a rapid pace and the search for appropriate responses, especially with respect to education in general and higher education in particular, is becoming increasingly urgent. Management education has attempted to reinterpret theory in these changing contexts. However, it is necessary to examine which theoretical strands, if any, remain relevant in the foreseeable future and how these might be recast for effective communication and ongoing engagement in processes of adaptive assimilation. The workshop invites management educators to wrestle with these and related meta-issues.
Join us in exploring the following three big questions:
1. Why are the management and organizational behavior theories not keeping pace with new ways of organizing and working?
2. How do we overcome resistance from others and ourselves to the new ideas that are actually informing work at this moment?
3. What are some completely new ways of thinking about organizational behavior and management that are not in even the best of text books and journals?