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Eastern Academy of Management 2018 Annual Meeting

Papers Proceedings »

Implications and Considerations of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for Training and Development

Given the growth of demand for companies’ engagement in socially responsible and ethical practices through corporate social responsibility (CSR), this paper expands the conversation on such efforts as currently presented in organizational communication, management, Human Resource Development (HRD) literature. I synthesize the topic of CSR across these various disciplines, with a focus on identifying gaps in literature related to the training and development (T&D) of CSR-related activities. Thus, I provide implications for the training of CSR as called for by current literature as today’s corporations appear to lack the proper strategies in the understanding and implementation of such efforts. Therefore, I conclude by discussing the pragmatic considerations for this type of T&D and call for further discussion among scholars and professionals in facilitating future work on CSR in a training context.

Katharine Miller
Purdue University
United States

Mesut Akdere
Purdue University
United States


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