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Eastern Academy of Management 2018 Annual Meeting

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Antecedents to Trustworthiness, Satisfaction, and Potency in Ad Hoc Face-To-Face and Computer-Mediated Teams

The purpose of this paper was to test a model linking individual perceptions of mood, trust, satisfaction, and potency in face-to-face and virtual reality teams. Results indicate that the model is valid in both conditions but that perceptions of each construct were higher in the face-to-face condition. Mood was found to significantly correlate with perceptions of benevolence, integrity and ability in the virtual reality team condition only. The implications of this research includes an understanding that trust in teams operate similarly in both types of student teams even though perceptions are lower in a leaner medium communication mode. Instructors should be aware that teams may need more support when operating virtually and may benefit from some face-to-face interactions before interacting in a virtual reality team.

Paul H. Jacques
Rhode Island College
United States

John Garger
The Science Survival Academy
United States

Leslie P. Filippelli-DiManna
Rhode Island College
United States


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