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Eastern Academy of Management 2019

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Innovating the Internship Experience for Business Education Programs

Internships are the building blocks of student potential. They provide the necessary means for students to gain real-life experience and exposure to industry opportunities while learning about themselves and evaluating their areas of interest for the long-term. As such, internships have demonstrated success in students gaining relevant knowledge, skills, and experiences. Furthermore, internships contribute to the development of student professional networks and contribute to improved competitiveness in the job market post-graduation. With a number of growing markets and increased competition for talent recruitment, institutions must direct efforts and emphasize developing and supporting internship programs and opportunities for students. This panel is intended to begin to build a network of administrators, faculty, and support staff to further identify and promote best practices and collaboration of resources relative to supporting and sustaining internship opportunities for students.

Noel Criscione-Naylor
Stockton University
United States

Tara Marsh
Stockton Unviersity
United States

Dayna DeFiore
Stockton University
United States


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