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Eastern Academy of Management 2019

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Resilience and Perseverance Under Uncertainty in Entrepreneurial Environments: Leadership issues faced when scaling new ventures or reconfiguring in the face of disruption

This research proposal investigates the degree to which underlying founding values contribute to resilience when navigating the life cycle of any enterprise. As organizations develop, external challenges or exogenous shocks may create tension within the leadership structure, predisposing individuals to take action without fully analyzing or appreciating the effects of this action on the long-term health of the enterprise. So what should organizational leaders, especially founders of new ventures or those charged with reconfiguring organizations in the face of disruption, consider as they try to make sense of the options available for dealing with uncertainty as the enterprise grows and adapts to systemic conditions? If an appreciation of resilience is important to future sustainability and success, how can foundational and sustainable ideas or beliefs be instilled early on within the life cycle of an enterprise? How can a mindset of resilience be maintained over time as adjustments become necessary?

Pauline Assenza
Western CT State University
United States

Kevin Burnard
Western CT State University
United States


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