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Eastern Academy of Management 2019

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Clinical Workflow Re-engineering

General Health and Medical Center (GHMC) was in a tough financial situation due to competitions, and years of inefficient operations. Charlie Dawson, the Executive VP of Revenuer at GHMC had to find ways to make the organization financially sustainable. After a comprehensive review of the operations of the major departments, Charlie concluded the Allergy and Immunology Department was among the units that needed major changes. Challenges were multifaceted: insufficient staff, less than fully utilized provider capacity, scheduling difficulties, lack of privacy at checking in, lack of privacy in waiting room, and, most seriously, convoluted workflow that required multiple patient movements among the exam room, test room, and waiting room. Charlie faced two questions: 1) What process redesign were needed to improve the operation efficiency and patient satisfaction? 2) How could he get the employees at the department motivated and supportive of the change initiative?

Zaiyong Tang
Salem State University
United States

Saverio Manago
Salem State University
United States


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